Friday, January 16, 2009
Astrological Birth Data for American Presidents Washington thru Clinton
Here is the basic data about each of the president's birth dates and some notes on transits on election day or during the year they ran. In some cases I have made other notes about notable events or trivia but had to keep this short.
GEORGE WASHINGTON – Feb. 22, 1732, 10 am LMT in Wakefield, VA. Birth recorded in family Bible. Inauguration April 30, 1789 when Saturn transiting his eleventh house, not a traditional indicator of high office. Second Saturn return marked by moving the national capitol from New York to a swamp called the District of Columbia. Elected to second term in 1792.
JOHN ADAMS – Oct. 30, 1735, in Braintree, MA, time unknown. Elected in 1797 when Saturn contacting his Neptune in Gemini. Transiting Neptune was on his Scorpio Sun. Father of president number 6, John Quincy Adams, who was frankly a real disappointment.
THOMAS JEFFERSON – April 13, 1743 in Shadwell, VA, time unknown. Some give this red-haired president a Gemini ascendant, but Roy Whitney rectified his chart with a Virgo ascendant. Elected in 1800 just before his second Saturn return, and what is more, the solar eclipse that year fell on his birthday. Also Neptune fell on his natal Pluto. On reelection in 1804, Uranus opposed his Sun, and Jupiter conjuncted his natal Pluto.
JAMES MADISON – March 16, 1751 at midnight in Port Conway, VA. Birth time given in his biography. Birth chart has Saturn making a station conjunct the North Node in the first house. On election in 1808 Saturn transited his twelfth house (the presidency is kind of like a gilded cage or prison); also Neptune and Jupiter were on his busy Ascendant. Second Saturn return while in office, and reelected in 1812 with Saturn on his second house Mars, AND the solar eclipse that year was near his birthday.
JAMES MONROE – April 28, 1758 in Westmoreland, VA, time unknown. Elected in 1816 when Neptune transited his natal Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius. Also Saturn squared his sun and Pluto was on natal Uranus. Had second Saturn return soon after taking office. A solar eclipse on his natal Uranus marked his reelection; he was unopposed. Also Uranus and Neptune were conjunct in Sag, near that natal Jupiter-Pluto conjunction. Famed for Monroe Doctrine. Also gave ambiguous permission for military commander Andrew Jackson to seize Florida, giving him plausible deniability -- “sufficient for international denials”.
JOHN QUINCY ADAMS – July 11, 1767 in Quincy, MA, time unknown. Some sources say he was born at 9 am. At any rate, his election in 1824 was marked by eclipses on his birthday and also on his natal Moon. Had second Saturn return while in office in 1826. The 1824 election was extremely controversial when none of four candidates won a majority of the vote. One candidate, Henry Clay, threw his support to Adams and in return was appointed Secretary of State. Loser Andy Jackson denounced this as a “corrupt bargain” by the Eastern aristocracy.
ANDREW JACKSON – March 15, 1767, in Waxhaws area near border of North and South Carolina (Jackson claimed it was in South Carolina), time unknown but probably around 2 am per Grant Lewi and T Pat Davis. Was born three weeks after his father's death, so you see how the eighth house was strong in his life; orphaned by age 14. AKA Old Hickory, he was a ruthless military campaigner. Saturn transited his South Node when elected in 1828, opposing the eighth house cusp; his wife died before he took office. Saturn was on his Moon-Jupiter when reelected in 1832, with a solar eclipse falling on his South Node in Leo.
MARTIN VAN BUREN – Dec. 5, 1782 in Kinderhook, NY time unknown. A solar eclipse on his Saturn in Scorpio heralded his 1836 election. Also Saturn was transiting his natal Sun and Moon in Sagittarius. Now more known for his bald head and shaggy muttonchops sideburns.
WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON – Feb. 9, 1773 in Charles City Co., VA, time unknown. First president to die in office, supposedly a victim of the Tecumseh curse. There was a lunar eclipse near his birthday just before his inauguration. War hero and Indian fighter was nicknamed Tippecanoe after he defeated the native Americans there in 1811, but his success brought down the curse (allegedly). He was the last president born a British subject, and a signer of the Declaration of Independence.
JOHN TYLER – March 29, 1790 at 5:47 am LMT in Greenway, VA. Pluto on his midheaven in Aquarius opposed Jupiter when he inherited the presidency upon the death of Harrison. Eclipses contacted his natal Pluto-Jupiter opposition, and Mars transited his North Node in Scorpio at Harrison's death.
JAMES KNOX POLK – Nov. 2, 1795 at 12 noon as recorded in a diary, in Mecklenburg County, NC. Jupiter rising in Aquarius favors politics and other public careers. His election in 1844 marked by a Saturn station on his natal Jupiter. Also a solar eclipse the week of the election fell on his midheaven Sun and Venus. He is best known for winning western territory in a war with Mexico.
ZACHARY TAYLOR – Nov. 24, 1784 in Montebello, VA, time unknown. Saturn stationed on his birthday in year he was elected (1848). He was the second president to die in office, on July 9, 1850. A Pluto and Uranus conjunction was inconjunct his Sun. He, too, is thought to be a victim of the Tecumseh curse since he fought against the native Americans in the Black Hawk War and the Second Seminole War; he personally defended Fort Harrison against an attack led by Tecumseh, the Shawnee chief, during the War of 1812. Trivia: his daughter Sarah married Jefferson Davis, the future president of the Confederacy, against her father's wishes. Sarah died three months into the marriage of malaria.
MILLARD FILLMORE – Jan. 7, 1800 in Locke, Cayuga County, NY, time unknown. He became president on the sudden death of Taylor after only 31 days in office, marked by the Uranus and Pluto conjunction on his natal North Node. Possibly the most obscure president except for the manner of ascending to high office; also he holds the distinction of being the last member of the Whig party to hold this office. Maybe it has something to do with being lucky number thirteen?
FRANKLIN PIERCE – Nov. 23, 1804 in Hillsborough, NH, time unknown. His birth chart marked by a Pluto parallel to both Sun and Mercury. He was elected in 1852 when a solar eclipse contacted his North Node.
JAMES BUCHANAN – April 23, 1791 in Mercerville, PA, time unknown. He was elected in 1856 when Pluto contacted his natal Sun, and Saturn opposed his natal Moon. Also a solar eclipse that year fell on his South Node in Aries.
ABRAHAM LINCOLN – Feb. 12, 1809 in Hodgenville, KY, at about 7:15 am. as recorded in an aunt's diary. His Sun was on the Ascendant and his Moon in the eleventh house, and Uranus stationed in conjunction with his North Node. A peaceful man with Jupiter in Pisces, his legacy as a war president may be denoted by the prenatal solar eclipse on natal Mars in Libra – Libra being both a sign of war as well as peace. A solar eclipse after birth opposed his Mars, on April 14, 1809; eerily, he was shot on another April 14 in 1865, which in turn occurred after a lunar eclipse on his natal Mars contacted by a transiting Saturn. In addition, another solar eclipse after his death, on April 25, 1865 hit his natal south Node with Pluto also on the South Node, opposing Uranus. These eclipses repeated those of the year of birth.
ANDREW JOHNSON – Dec. 29, 1808 in Raleigh, NC late at night; estimated to be 11:55 pm LMT, as recorded in a diary. Mars rising in Libra squares his Sun and trines his Moon, and Uranus conjunct North Node sextiles his Sun in Capricorn. He was impeached on his second Saturn return but acquitted.
ULYSSES S. GRANT – April 27, 1822 in Point Pleasant, OH at about 6 am LMT. Birth data from his father. Civil War general demanded unconditional surrender but let General Lee keep his sword. At his election in 1868 Pluto sat on his Taurus Ascendant and trined Jupiter at his Midheaven. His reelection in 1872 marked by Saturn on his natal Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn in his eighth house, while Pluto still lingered on his Ascendant. The lunar eclipse in Taurus in November 1982 joined his Taurus ascendant and stellium. Later in life he knew he was dying of cancer, and doggedly finished his memoirs so his wife might have some income from the sale of copies.
RUTHERFORD B. HAYES – Oct. 4, 1822 in Delaware, OH at about 9:30 pm LMT according to his uncle and guardian. He was elected in 1876 when Saturn occupied his tenth house of career and high office.
JAMES GARFIELD – Nov. 19, 1831 in Orange, NJ at 2 am LMT, time is given by his mother. He was the fourth president to die in office. He was elected in 1880 when a lunar eclipse contacted his Midheaven. Also Saturn made a station in August of that year on his eighth house cusp, and Uranus contacted Saturn in his twelfth house. When he was assassinated in 1881, Pluto and Jupiter opposed his Sun, while Mars, Saturn and Neptune were on his eighth house cusp. His election day in 1880 showed the Sun, Moon and Mars contacting his natal Mars in Scorpio.
CHARLES ALAN ARTHUR – Oct. 5, 1829 in Fairfield, VA at 6:07 am LMT, born at sunrise. There was a solar eclipse a week before his birth; his Libra Sun opposed Pluto in Aries. In 1880, the election year, the south Node crossed his Midheaven. When he became president on the death of Garfield, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto all transited his eighth house.
GROVER CLEVELAND – March 18, 1837 in Caldwell, NJ at time unknown. There was a solar eclipse in 1884 on his North Node; was elected that year with transiting Saturn square his natal Pisces Sun. He was reelected in 1892 when Jupiter touched natal Pluto, a lunar eclipse on his natal Saturn, and a solar eclipse on his natal North Node. He had a second Saturn return in 1896 but he decided not to run again.
BENJAMIN HARRISON – Aug. 20, 1833 in North Bend, OH at 4:04 am LMT. Natally he had his Leo Sun opposite Uranus in Aquarius. Elected in 1888 which had eclipses in Leo and Aquarius, and Saturn on his natal Sun. In 1892, he ran for reelection but was defeated; if that wasn't bad enough his wife also died under his second Saturn return.
WILLIAM MCKINLEY – Jan. 29, 1843 in Niles, OH at 11:32 pm LMT per his mother. Libra ascendant with Mars in Scorpio. Was the last veteran of the Civil War to be elected. When he was elected in 1896, Saturn and Uranus were conjunct on his natal Mars. Annexed the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam. He was shot in 1901 when Saturn hit his North Node in Capricorn, and Mars on natal Mars; the eclipse after his death also fell on his natal Mars. He lingered after being shot at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, NY appearance and finally died from gangrene. After being shot, he told those around him, “Be careful how you tell my wife”.
THEODORE ROOSEVELT – Oct. 27, 1858 in New York, NY at 7:45 pm LMT per family records. Sun-Mercury conjunction opposite Pluto, this reformer was deliberately buried politically in the vice-presidency. There was a lunar eclipse on his birthday a month after becoming president upon McKinley's death. On election day in 1900 Pluto contacted natal Jupiter just above his Ascendant. Also a lunar eclipse that year fell on his natal Venus-Jupiter opposition; reelected in 1904 with Pluto still on natal Jupiter and a solar eclipse on natal Neptune in his tenth house.
WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT – Sept. 15, 1857 in Cincinnati, OH at 8:10 pm LMT per family records. Pluto-Jupiter-Uranus stellium at his natal Taurus Ascendant. Born three days before a solar eclipse. Elected in 1908 with Jupiter in Virgo trining the Ascendant stellium and his Capricorn midheaven. Also there were solar eclipses and Uranus on his Capricorn midheaven. Lost reelection campaign in 1912 when Uranus crossed his midheaven. Altho he had been endorsed by Teddy Roosevelt in his first run for president as a true progressive, they later became bitter opponents in the 1912 election. Only president to also serve on the Supreme Court; Chief Justice 1921-1930. A big man who used to swim in the ocean; the joke was that no one else could use it while he was thus occupied.
WOODROW WILSON – Dec. 29, 1856 in Staunton, VA at 12:45 am LMT per record in family Bible. Rose to presidency in 1912 with both solar and lunar eclipses on his ascendant, plus Uranus on his natal Moon and Neptune on his ascendant. His second Saturn return in 1915 came just before his second marriage to Edith Galt. Won reelection in 1916 with a Saturn-Neptune conjunct in Leo opposing h is Moon. Eclipses on his midheaven and nadir in 1917. Suffered a stroke in 1919 amid shuttling back and forth to Paris to assist in treaty negotiations after defeat of Germany in WWI; Pluto was on his natal Saturn in Cancer.
WARREN GAMALIEL HARDING – Nov. 2, 1865 in Blooming Grove, OH at 2:30 pm LMT per his father. His natal sun in Scorpio opposed Pluto in Taurus. He was elected on his birthday in 1920, with a solar eclipse in the week following, and transiting North Node on his Sun. Died in 1923 with transiting Saturn near his eighth house North Node. There were also eclipses that year in Pisces with Uranus crossing his ascendant.
CALVIN COOLIDGE – July 4, 1872 in Plymouth, VT at 9 am LMT per his father. Became president on the death of Harding, with transiting Pluto in Cancer on his Sun, and the North Node on his ascendant. Reelected in 1924 with Pluto still on his natal Sun, and solar eclipses on his ascendant. A Virgo rising, he was described as looking as if he was “weaned on a pickle”.
HERBERT HOOVER – Aug. 10, 1874 in West Branch, IA at 11:15 pm LMT per Hoover. Taurus rising with Pluto just above the ascendant. Elected in 1928 with a solar eclipse on his ascendant, and Saturn trining his Sun. He was defeated in 1932 with Saturn approaching his midheaven.
FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT – Jan. 30, 1882 in Hyde Park, NY at 8:45 pm LMT, time from his father's diary. Elected the first of four times in 1932 with Jupiter on his Uranus and ascendant, and Saturn applying to his natal Sun. Also transiting South Node was near his Virgo ascendant. In 1936, a solar eclipse was on his midheaven Mars in Gemini, and on election day the Moon joined his natal Moon in the tenth house. In 1940, he had his second Saturn return, and Saturn and Jupiter hit a natal Neptune-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus. Reelected yet again in 1944 with Saturn on his Moon, and Uranus in the ninth house applying to his midheaven. Pluto also opposed his natal Sun, and Jupiter on his ascendant-Uranus. There was a solar eclipse near his birthday in 1944. His death of a cerebral hemorrhage on April 12, 1945 was marked by Saturn on his Moon, Uranus approaching the midheaven, and Pluto opposing his Sun. Was practically worshipped as a saint by people who had never known any other president as adults. Stricken by polio at age 39, he regained some strength in his legs but never walked again.
HARRY S TRUMAN – May 9, 1884 in Lamar, MO at about 4 pm CST per Truman. Born two weeks after a solar eclipse. He ascended to the presidency with Saturn applying to his midheaven, Uranus conjunct natal Saturn, and North Node on his midheaven. Also a solar eclipse in 1945 found a stellium of Sun, Moon, Saturn, and North Node on his midheaven in Cancer. Reelected despite the predictions of all the pundits in 1948 with Pluto square his Sun. Also a solar eclipse fell the day after his birthday in 1948 with Saturn and Pluto squaring his Sun.
DWIGHT DAVID EISENHOWER – Oct. 14, 1890 in Denison, TX at 3:40 am CST per Eisenhower and his mother, given independently to researchers. Saturn is rising in Virgo. He was elected in 1952 with Saturn and Neptune conjunct natal Sun, and near his natal Moon-Uranus conjunction. On election day the Moon was in Gemini on his midheaven-North Node, with a Mars return. Reelected in 1956 with Jupiter in his first house, and Saturn on his third-house Venus.
JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY – May 29, 1917 in Brookline, MA at 3 pm EST, per his mother. The first president to be born in the twentieth century, this Gemini with Libra rising charmed his way into the White House in 1960 with Saturn on his North Node. Election day had the Moon on his South Node in Cancer, opposed to Saturn on his North Node. He took office with Saturn and Jupiter conjunct at his nadir. Also eclipses that year fell on his Moon, signifying the public.
LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON – Aug. 27, 1908 in Johnson City, TX at 5:11 am CST, per his mother's diary which said daybreak. Jupiter rose in Leo, followed by a stellium in Virgo. Ascended to presidency upon the death of JFK on Nov. 22, 1963, when Uranus and Pluto transited his Mars-Sun-Moon-Mercury stellium. Reelected in 1964 by a landslide with Uranus in Virgo, and Jupiter on his Taurus midheaven.
RICHARD MILHOUS NIXON – Jan. 9, 1913 in Yorba Linda, CA at 9:35 pm PST per birth records. Ran in 1960 but was defeated by JFK, when Uranus opposed his Moon. Elected in 1968 after a political comeback, with Saturn on his North Node, and Pluto, Mars, and Jupiter on his ascendant. Reelected in 1972 with Saturn on his midheaven, and Uranus and Mars square his Sun. Only president to be forced to resign from office, when Saturn opposed his Sun. The Watergate scandal broke in 1973 with Saturn on his Pluto.
GERALD FORD – July 14, 1913 in Omaha, NE at 12:43 am CST, no source given. Adopted, his birth surname was King. He was never elected president in his own right, and the fact that Uranus is retrograde in his tenth house of career might have something to do with that. Became president in 1974 on the resignation of Nixon with Uranus square his Sun, and Saturn in Cancer applying to his Sun. He was defeated in the 1976 campaign with Jupiter on his ascendant and Mars opposed to his natal Mars.
JAMES EARL CARTER – Oct. 1, 1924 in Plains, GA at 7 am CST, per his mother. [Note: my source says CST even tho I know Georgia should be Eastern Time, not Central Time. No idea if this is just a typo.] A Libra native with Libra rising, he was known first for his enormous toothy grin. Elected president in 1976 just after an eclipse on his first house Saturn. Defeated in 1980 bid when Saturn-Jupiter-Moon transited his natal Sun, and Pluto crossed his ascendant. Also a solar eclipse that year fell on his natal Mars and South Node in Aquarius – and another eclipse hit his Neptune-Venus-North Node in Leo.
RONALD REAGAN – Feb. 6, 1911 in Dixon, IL at 2 pm CST per his mother. His wife Nancy Davis Reagan never accepted that time and reportedly had astrologer Joan Quigley rectify it to a Sagittarian ascendant. (A 2 pm chart puts Neptune rising in Cancer, appropriate for a film actor.) Elected in 1980, the oldest president ever, with Saturn and Jupiter in Libra. A solar eclipse in 1980 opposed his Aquarian Sun; on election day, the transiting South Node was exactly conjunct his Sun. Reelected in 1984 a few days before a full moon eclipse on his natal Moon in Taurus. In 1981, just two weeks after he took office, a solar eclipse hit his natal Sun – he narrowly survived an assassination attempt that year. Reagan has a natal Sun square Jupiter, both parallel; could this account for his extraordinary good luck and Teflon coating?
GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH – June 12, 1924 in Milton, CT at 11:30 am EDT per his mother. Elected in 1988 with Jupiter in Gemini on his midheaven. A solar eclipse that year fell on his Virgo ascendant. Failed in a reelection bid in 1992 with Uranus and Neptune opposing his natal Venus-Pluto in Cancer.
WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON – Aug. 19, 1946 in Hope, Arkansas at 8:51 am CST per his mother who cited birth records. On election day in 1992, Jupiter in Libra was on his ascendant with its stellium of Mars, Neptune and Venus. Also Saturn was in Aquarius opposing his Pluto and Mercury. A solar eclipse in 1992 fell on his midheaven in Cancer. Pluto was in opposite his Moon and square his Sun, possibly reflecting public concerns about the influence of his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton. On election day 1996, Venus and the North Node contacted his ascendant and stellium, and Uranus opposed his Saturn. Saturn and Pluto trined his natal Saturn, and a full moon eclipse in September fell across his ascendant. Finally, an October solar eclipse fell close to his natal Jupiter.
Here is the basic data about each of the president's birth dates and some notes on transits on election day or during the year they ran. In some cases I have made other notes about notable events or trivia but had to keep this short.
GEORGE WASHINGTON – Feb. 22, 1732, 10 am LMT in Wakefield, VA. Birth recorded in family Bible. Inauguration April 30, 1789 when Saturn transiting his eleventh house, not a traditional indicator of high office. Second Saturn return marked by moving the national capitol from New York to a swamp called the District of Columbia. Elected to second term in 1792.
JOHN ADAMS – Oct. 30, 1735, in Braintree, MA, time unknown. Elected in 1797 when Saturn contacting his Neptune in Gemini. Transiting Neptune was on his Scorpio Sun. Father of president number 6, John Quincy Adams, who was frankly a real disappointment.
THOMAS JEFFERSON – April 13, 1743 in Shadwell, VA, time unknown. Some give this red-haired president a Gemini ascendant, but Roy Whitney rectified his chart with a Virgo ascendant. Elected in 1800 just before his second Saturn return, and what is more, the solar eclipse that year fell on his birthday. Also Neptune fell on his natal Pluto. On reelection in 1804, Uranus opposed his Sun, and Jupiter conjuncted his natal Pluto.
JAMES MADISON – March 16, 1751 at midnight in Port Conway, VA. Birth time given in his biography. Birth chart has Saturn making a station conjunct the North Node in the first house. On election in 1808 Saturn transited his twelfth house (the presidency is kind of like a gilded cage or prison); also Neptune and Jupiter were on his busy Ascendant. Second Saturn return while in office, and reelected in 1812 with Saturn on his second house Mars, AND the solar eclipse that year was near his birthday.
JAMES MONROE – April 28, 1758 in Westmoreland, VA, time unknown. Elected in 1816 when Neptune transited his natal Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius. Also Saturn squared his sun and Pluto was on natal Uranus. Had second Saturn return soon after taking office. A solar eclipse on his natal Uranus marked his reelection; he was unopposed. Also Uranus and Neptune were conjunct in Sag, near that natal Jupiter-Pluto conjunction. Famed for Monroe Doctrine. Also gave ambiguous permission for military commander Andrew Jackson to seize Florida, giving him plausible deniability -- “sufficient for international denials”.
JOHN QUINCY ADAMS – July 11, 1767 in Quincy, MA, time unknown. Some sources say he was born at 9 am. At any rate, his election in 1824 was marked by eclipses on his birthday and also on his natal Moon. Had second Saturn return while in office in 1826. The 1824 election was extremely controversial when none of four candidates won a majority of the vote. One candidate, Henry Clay, threw his support to Adams and in return was appointed Secretary of State. Loser Andy Jackson denounced this as a “corrupt bargain” by the Eastern aristocracy.
ANDREW JACKSON – March 15, 1767, in Waxhaws area near border of North and South Carolina (Jackson claimed it was in South Carolina), time unknown but probably around 2 am per Grant Lewi and T Pat Davis. Was born three weeks after his father's death, so you see how the eighth house was strong in his life; orphaned by age 14. AKA Old Hickory, he was a ruthless military campaigner. Saturn transited his South Node when elected in 1828, opposing the eighth house cusp; his wife died before he took office. Saturn was on his Moon-Jupiter when reelected in 1832, with a solar eclipse falling on his South Node in Leo.
MARTIN VAN BUREN – Dec. 5, 1782 in Kinderhook, NY time unknown. A solar eclipse on his Saturn in Scorpio heralded his 1836 election. Also Saturn was transiting his natal Sun and Moon in Sagittarius. Now more known for his bald head and shaggy muttonchops sideburns.
WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON – Feb. 9, 1773 in Charles City Co., VA, time unknown. First president to die in office, supposedly a victim of the Tecumseh curse. There was a lunar eclipse near his birthday just before his inauguration. War hero and Indian fighter was nicknamed Tippecanoe after he defeated the native Americans there in 1811, but his success brought down the curse (allegedly). He was the last president born a British subject, and a signer of the Declaration of Independence.
JOHN TYLER – March 29, 1790 at 5:47 am LMT in Greenway, VA. Pluto on his midheaven in Aquarius opposed Jupiter when he inherited the presidency upon the death of Harrison. Eclipses contacted his natal Pluto-Jupiter opposition, and Mars transited his North Node in Scorpio at Harrison's death.
JAMES KNOX POLK – Nov. 2, 1795 at 12 noon as recorded in a diary, in Mecklenburg County, NC. Jupiter rising in Aquarius favors politics and other public careers. His election in 1844 marked by a Saturn station on his natal Jupiter. Also a solar eclipse the week of the election fell on his midheaven Sun and Venus. He is best known for winning western territory in a war with Mexico.
ZACHARY TAYLOR – Nov. 24, 1784 in Montebello, VA, time unknown. Saturn stationed on his birthday in year he was elected (1848). He was the second president to die in office, on July 9, 1850. A Pluto and Uranus conjunction was inconjunct his Sun. He, too, is thought to be a victim of the Tecumseh curse since he fought against the native Americans in the Black Hawk War and the Second Seminole War; he personally defended Fort Harrison against an attack led by Tecumseh, the Shawnee chief, during the War of 1812. Trivia: his daughter Sarah married Jefferson Davis, the future president of the Confederacy, against her father's wishes. Sarah died three months into the marriage of malaria.
MILLARD FILLMORE – Jan. 7, 1800 in Locke, Cayuga County, NY, time unknown. He became president on the sudden death of Taylor after only 31 days in office, marked by the Uranus and Pluto conjunction on his natal North Node. Possibly the most obscure president except for the manner of ascending to high office; also he holds the distinction of being the last member of the Whig party to hold this office. Maybe it has something to do with being lucky number thirteen?
FRANKLIN PIERCE – Nov. 23, 1804 in Hillsborough, NH, time unknown. His birth chart marked by a Pluto parallel to both Sun and Mercury. He was elected in 1852 when a solar eclipse contacted his North Node.
JAMES BUCHANAN – April 23, 1791 in Mercerville, PA, time unknown. He was elected in 1856 when Pluto contacted his natal Sun, and Saturn opposed his natal Moon. Also a solar eclipse that year fell on his South Node in Aries.
ABRAHAM LINCOLN – Feb. 12, 1809 in Hodgenville, KY, at about 7:15 am. as recorded in an aunt's diary. His Sun was on the Ascendant and his Moon in the eleventh house, and Uranus stationed in conjunction with his North Node. A peaceful man with Jupiter in Pisces, his legacy as a war president may be denoted by the prenatal solar eclipse on natal Mars in Libra – Libra being both a sign of war as well as peace. A solar eclipse after birth opposed his Mars, on April 14, 1809; eerily, he was shot on another April 14 in 1865, which in turn occurred after a lunar eclipse on his natal Mars contacted by a transiting Saturn. In addition, another solar eclipse after his death, on April 25, 1865 hit his natal south Node with Pluto also on the South Node, opposing Uranus. These eclipses repeated those of the year of birth.
ANDREW JOHNSON – Dec. 29, 1808 in Raleigh, NC late at night; estimated to be 11:55 pm LMT, as recorded in a diary. Mars rising in Libra squares his Sun and trines his Moon, and Uranus conjunct North Node sextiles his Sun in Capricorn. He was impeached on his second Saturn return but acquitted.
ULYSSES S. GRANT – April 27, 1822 in Point Pleasant, OH at about 6 am LMT. Birth data from his father. Civil War general demanded unconditional surrender but let General Lee keep his sword. At his election in 1868 Pluto sat on his Taurus Ascendant and trined Jupiter at his Midheaven. His reelection in 1872 marked by Saturn on his natal Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn in his eighth house, while Pluto still lingered on his Ascendant. The lunar eclipse in Taurus in November 1982 joined his Taurus ascendant and stellium. Later in life he knew he was dying of cancer, and doggedly finished his memoirs so his wife might have some income from the sale of copies.
RUTHERFORD B. HAYES – Oct. 4, 1822 in Delaware, OH at about 9:30 pm LMT according to his uncle and guardian. He was elected in 1876 when Saturn occupied his tenth house of career and high office.
JAMES GARFIELD – Nov. 19, 1831 in Orange, NJ at 2 am LMT, time is given by his mother. He was the fourth president to die in office. He was elected in 1880 when a lunar eclipse contacted his Midheaven. Also Saturn made a station in August of that year on his eighth house cusp, and Uranus contacted Saturn in his twelfth house. When he was assassinated in 1881, Pluto and Jupiter opposed his Sun, while Mars, Saturn and Neptune were on his eighth house cusp. His election day in 1880 showed the Sun, Moon and Mars contacting his natal Mars in Scorpio.
CHARLES ALAN ARTHUR – Oct. 5, 1829 in Fairfield, VA at 6:07 am LMT, born at sunrise. There was a solar eclipse a week before his birth; his Libra Sun opposed Pluto in Aries. In 1880, the election year, the south Node crossed his Midheaven. When he became president on the death of Garfield, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto all transited his eighth house.
GROVER CLEVELAND – March 18, 1837 in Caldwell, NJ at time unknown. There was a solar eclipse in 1884 on his North Node; was elected that year with transiting Saturn square his natal Pisces Sun. He was reelected in 1892 when Jupiter touched natal Pluto, a lunar eclipse on his natal Saturn, and a solar eclipse on his natal North Node. He had a second Saturn return in 1896 but he decided not to run again.
BENJAMIN HARRISON – Aug. 20, 1833 in North Bend, OH at 4:04 am LMT. Natally he had his Leo Sun opposite Uranus in Aquarius. Elected in 1888 which had eclipses in Leo and Aquarius, and Saturn on his natal Sun. In 1892, he ran for reelection but was defeated; if that wasn't bad enough his wife also died under his second Saturn return.
WILLIAM MCKINLEY – Jan. 29, 1843 in Niles, OH at 11:32 pm LMT per his mother. Libra ascendant with Mars in Scorpio. Was the last veteran of the Civil War to be elected. When he was elected in 1896, Saturn and Uranus were conjunct on his natal Mars. Annexed the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam. He was shot in 1901 when Saturn hit his North Node in Capricorn, and Mars on natal Mars; the eclipse after his death also fell on his natal Mars. He lingered after being shot at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, NY appearance and finally died from gangrene. After being shot, he told those around him, “Be careful how you tell my wife”.
THEODORE ROOSEVELT – Oct. 27, 1858 in New York, NY at 7:45 pm LMT per family records. Sun-Mercury conjunction opposite Pluto, this reformer was deliberately buried politically in the vice-presidency. There was a lunar eclipse on his birthday a month after becoming president upon McKinley's death. On election day in 1900 Pluto contacted natal Jupiter just above his Ascendant. Also a lunar eclipse that year fell on his natal Venus-Jupiter opposition; reelected in 1904 with Pluto still on natal Jupiter and a solar eclipse on natal Neptune in his tenth house.
WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT – Sept. 15, 1857 in Cincinnati, OH at 8:10 pm LMT per family records. Pluto-Jupiter-Uranus stellium at his natal Taurus Ascendant. Born three days before a solar eclipse. Elected in 1908 with Jupiter in Virgo trining the Ascendant stellium and his Capricorn midheaven. Also there were solar eclipses and Uranus on his Capricorn midheaven. Lost reelection campaign in 1912 when Uranus crossed his midheaven. Altho he had been endorsed by Teddy Roosevelt in his first run for president as a true progressive, they later became bitter opponents in the 1912 election. Only president to also serve on the Supreme Court; Chief Justice 1921-1930. A big man who used to swim in the ocean; the joke was that no one else could use it while he was thus occupied.
WOODROW WILSON – Dec. 29, 1856 in Staunton, VA at 12:45 am LMT per record in family Bible. Rose to presidency in 1912 with both solar and lunar eclipses on his ascendant, plus Uranus on his natal Moon and Neptune on his ascendant. His second Saturn return in 1915 came just before his second marriage to Edith Galt. Won reelection in 1916 with a Saturn-Neptune conjunct in Leo opposing h is Moon. Eclipses on his midheaven and nadir in 1917. Suffered a stroke in 1919 amid shuttling back and forth to Paris to assist in treaty negotiations after defeat of Germany in WWI; Pluto was on his natal Saturn in Cancer.
WARREN GAMALIEL HARDING – Nov. 2, 1865 in Blooming Grove, OH at 2:30 pm LMT per his father. His natal sun in Scorpio opposed Pluto in Taurus. He was elected on his birthday in 1920, with a solar eclipse in the week following, and transiting North Node on his Sun. Died in 1923 with transiting Saturn near his eighth house North Node. There were also eclipses that year in Pisces with Uranus crossing his ascendant.
CALVIN COOLIDGE – July 4, 1872 in Plymouth, VT at 9 am LMT per his father. Became president on the death of Harding, with transiting Pluto in Cancer on his Sun, and the North Node on his ascendant. Reelected in 1924 with Pluto still on his natal Sun, and solar eclipses on his ascendant. A Virgo rising, he was described as looking as if he was “weaned on a pickle”.
HERBERT HOOVER – Aug. 10, 1874 in West Branch, IA at 11:15 pm LMT per Hoover. Taurus rising with Pluto just above the ascendant. Elected in 1928 with a solar eclipse on his ascendant, and Saturn trining his Sun. He was defeated in 1932 with Saturn approaching his midheaven.
FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT – Jan. 30, 1882 in Hyde Park, NY at 8:45 pm LMT, time from his father's diary. Elected the first of four times in 1932 with Jupiter on his Uranus and ascendant, and Saturn applying to his natal Sun. Also transiting South Node was near his Virgo ascendant. In 1936, a solar eclipse was on his midheaven Mars in Gemini, and on election day the Moon joined his natal Moon in the tenth house. In 1940, he had his second Saturn return, and Saturn and Jupiter hit a natal Neptune-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus. Reelected yet again in 1944 with Saturn on his Moon, and Uranus in the ninth house applying to his midheaven. Pluto also opposed his natal Sun, and Jupiter on his ascendant-Uranus. There was a solar eclipse near his birthday in 1944. His death of a cerebral hemorrhage on April 12, 1945 was marked by Saturn on his Moon, Uranus approaching the midheaven, and Pluto opposing his Sun. Was practically worshipped as a saint by people who had never known any other president as adults. Stricken by polio at age 39, he regained some strength in his legs but never walked again.
HARRY S TRUMAN – May 9, 1884 in Lamar, MO at about 4 pm CST per Truman. Born two weeks after a solar eclipse. He ascended to the presidency with Saturn applying to his midheaven, Uranus conjunct natal Saturn, and North Node on his midheaven. Also a solar eclipse in 1945 found a stellium of Sun, Moon, Saturn, and North Node on his midheaven in Cancer. Reelected despite the predictions of all the pundits in 1948 with Pluto square his Sun. Also a solar eclipse fell the day after his birthday in 1948 with Saturn and Pluto squaring his Sun.
DWIGHT DAVID EISENHOWER – Oct. 14, 1890 in Denison, TX at 3:40 am CST per Eisenhower and his mother, given independently to researchers. Saturn is rising in Virgo. He was elected in 1952 with Saturn and Neptune conjunct natal Sun, and near his natal Moon-Uranus conjunction. On election day the Moon was in Gemini on his midheaven-North Node, with a Mars return. Reelected in 1956 with Jupiter in his first house, and Saturn on his third-house Venus.
JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY – May 29, 1917 in Brookline, MA at 3 pm EST, per his mother. The first president to be born in the twentieth century, this Gemini with Libra rising charmed his way into the White House in 1960 with Saturn on his North Node. Election day had the Moon on his South Node in Cancer, opposed to Saturn on his North Node. He took office with Saturn and Jupiter conjunct at his nadir. Also eclipses that year fell on his Moon, signifying the public.
LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON – Aug. 27, 1908 in Johnson City, TX at 5:11 am CST, per his mother's diary which said daybreak. Jupiter rose in Leo, followed by a stellium in Virgo. Ascended to presidency upon the death of JFK on Nov. 22, 1963, when Uranus and Pluto transited his Mars-Sun-Moon-Mercury stellium. Reelected in 1964 by a landslide with Uranus in Virgo, and Jupiter on his Taurus midheaven.
RICHARD MILHOUS NIXON – Jan. 9, 1913 in Yorba Linda, CA at 9:35 pm PST per birth records. Ran in 1960 but was defeated by JFK, when Uranus opposed his Moon. Elected in 1968 after a political comeback, with Saturn on his North Node, and Pluto, Mars, and Jupiter on his ascendant. Reelected in 1972 with Saturn on his midheaven, and Uranus and Mars square his Sun. Only president to be forced to resign from office, when Saturn opposed his Sun. The Watergate scandal broke in 1973 with Saturn on his Pluto.
GERALD FORD – July 14, 1913 in Omaha, NE at 12:43 am CST, no source given. Adopted, his birth surname was King. He was never elected president in his own right, and the fact that Uranus is retrograde in his tenth house of career might have something to do with that. Became president in 1974 on the resignation of Nixon with Uranus square his Sun, and Saturn in Cancer applying to his Sun. He was defeated in the 1976 campaign with Jupiter on his ascendant and Mars opposed to his natal Mars.
JAMES EARL CARTER – Oct. 1, 1924 in Plains, GA at 7 am CST, per his mother. [Note: my source says CST even tho I know Georgia should be Eastern Time, not Central Time. No idea if this is just a typo.] A Libra native with Libra rising, he was known first for his enormous toothy grin. Elected president in 1976 just after an eclipse on his first house Saturn. Defeated in 1980 bid when Saturn-Jupiter-Moon transited his natal Sun, and Pluto crossed his ascendant. Also a solar eclipse that year fell on his natal Mars and South Node in Aquarius – and another eclipse hit his Neptune-Venus-North Node in Leo.
RONALD REAGAN – Feb. 6, 1911 in Dixon, IL at 2 pm CST per his mother. His wife Nancy Davis Reagan never accepted that time and reportedly had astrologer Joan Quigley rectify it to a Sagittarian ascendant. (A 2 pm chart puts Neptune rising in Cancer, appropriate for a film actor.) Elected in 1980, the oldest president ever, with Saturn and Jupiter in Libra. A solar eclipse in 1980 opposed his Aquarian Sun; on election day, the transiting South Node was exactly conjunct his Sun. Reelected in 1984 a few days before a full moon eclipse on his natal Moon in Taurus. In 1981, just two weeks after he took office, a solar eclipse hit his natal Sun – he narrowly survived an assassination attempt that year. Reagan has a natal Sun square Jupiter, both parallel; could this account for his extraordinary good luck and Teflon coating?
GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH – June 12, 1924 in Milton, CT at 11:30 am EDT per his mother. Elected in 1988 with Jupiter in Gemini on his midheaven. A solar eclipse that year fell on his Virgo ascendant. Failed in a reelection bid in 1992 with Uranus and Neptune opposing his natal Venus-Pluto in Cancer.
WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON – Aug. 19, 1946 in Hope, Arkansas at 8:51 am CST per his mother who cited birth records. On election day in 1992, Jupiter in Libra was on his ascendant with its stellium of Mars, Neptune and Venus. Also Saturn was in Aquarius opposing his Pluto and Mercury. A solar eclipse in 1992 fell on his midheaven in Cancer. Pluto was in opposite his Moon and square his Sun, possibly reflecting public concerns about the influence of his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton. On election day 1996, Venus and the North Node contacted his ascendant and stellium, and Uranus opposed his Saturn. Saturn and Pluto trined his natal Saturn, and a full moon eclipse in September fell across his ascendant. Finally, an October solar eclipse fell close to his natal Jupiter.
birth date,
george washington,
john adams,
thomas jefferson,
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Obama Inauguration Chart

The day that has seemed inevitable since summer is finally upon us. President-elect Barack Obama will take the oath of office on January 20 as prescribed in the Constitution. Actually the original document set March 4 as the inauguration day, but us modern hurry-up types moved it forward. Looking back, it would be more favorable to have the date in March, as the Sun will trine the election date.
I was not going to write an article on the inauguration, but a fellow astrologer emailed me all aflutter because the chart featured a Mercury retrograde plus a void-of-course Moon. To me, Mercury retrograde signifies trying to undo all the destructive acts and executive orders of the previous occupant of the White House (who shall not be named here). Perhaps we can look forward to this former law professor, Obama, restoring much of the integrity of the original Constitution. As for the Moon being voc, I started one of my better jobs under that aspect, and had to learn to ignore it as one year after another rolled by.
Depending on exactly when Barack Obama takes the actual oath of office Tuesday, the Moon will either be void-of-course in Scorpio or just entering Sagittarius. Even tho Mercury is retrograde, Mercury is strong because it is Cazimi (within 17 minutes of the Sun), both in Aquarius. In the strange reasoning of the ancients, Cazimi is MUCH better than combust (within 8 degrees of the Sun) (combust supposedly weakens the affected planet). Cazimi is a very favorable aspect to have for any enterprise that you want to succeed – assuming of course that there is anything else in the chart to support it. Mercury is also exalted in Aquarius, while unfortunately the Sun is in its detriment in Aquarius. (This is another argument in favor of the March 4 inaugural date.)
The Moon will be sextile the conjunction – if Obama takes the oath at or after 12:30 pm Eastern, the Moon will be Sagittarius, and not void-of-course. (PS – The Moon is in its fall in Scorpio, but unaffected by either detriment, fall, rulership or exaltation in Sagittarius). These planets are applying to aspects to Jupiter at 3 degrees Aquarius, Vesta at 3 degrees Taurus, and Pallas Athena at 4 degrees Gemini.
Pallas Athena in Gemini is a very good placement for her; in Gemini she is very adept and very career-oriented. Placed in the second house of banking, personal finances and income, this would seem to bode well for government management of the nation's fiscal problems.
One major concern, however, is that Venus is at 17 degrees of Pisces (17 degrees 47 minutes, which is rounded up to 18 on the chart graphic) – even tho Venus is exalted in Pisces. Seventeen degrees is a critical degree, which normally very promising for good things to come. But a prominent local astrologer declared that if VENUS hits a critical degree, it means lost money. Venus also happens to represent the dollar itself, so it will be interesting, to say the least, if the US dollar suffers another slide in value on the global exchange rate. Venus is also applying to a conjunction with Uranus, and the two of them oppose Saturn in the fifth house of speculation – and the stock market. Even though historically the stock market has gone up under Democratic presidents (contrary to the “common knowledge”), the Wall Streeters may be bit wary of Obama until they see what he actually proposes to do.
Note that Venus is sextile Mars, which happens to also be in its exaltation in Capricorn.
None of the outer planets are in strong placements for them. Transiting Uranus at 20 Pisces is square the U.S. natal Mars at 20 Gemini. A Mars-Uranus square is never comfortable; Uranus is in the chart's eleventh house of advisors (cabinet?) and Mars in the ninth house of foreign relations and also legal entities, such as possibly the US Supreme Court. Could Obama get in a legal battle with Supreme Court rulings? Could some of his advisors get in legal trouble and have to step down?
Pluto at 2 degrees Capricorn is opposite the US natal Venus at 2 degrees Cancer. Pluto is also in the ninth house, ruling law, publishing, religion and higher education. In the inauguration chart, Pluto is semi-sextile Sun-Mercury, trine Vesta in Taurus, and inconjunct Pallas Athena in Gemini in the second house. I am wondering if Vesta in the twelfth house means folks will go back to hiding their money in mattresses, perhaps to hide it from eighth house taxes.
I have also dug up the chart for George Washington's inauguration: April 30, 1789, 1:04 pm (LMT) in New York City, because some astrologers like to use this chart as a basis for comparison to new presidential charts or to transiting eclipses, etc. The George Washington chart has 2 degrees Virgo on the Ascendant, and 27 Taurus at Midheaven. RE indicators of was in the Washington chart, peaceful Pisces is on the seventh house (house of open enemies, among other things) cusp, a peaceful sign; also both traditional and modern rulers of Pisces (Jupiter and Neptune) are separating from hard aspects to the Ascendant ruler, Mercury.
Obama's inauguration chart has Scorpio on the Descendant. Ruler Mars is sextile Venus, ruler of the Ascendant. Pluto, the modern ruler, is not in any of the classical aspects to Venus. So this is good news for those who voted with the goal of getting someone in who will put an end to the bloodletting in Iraq.
The George Washington inaugural chart sets the tone for all our chief executives. George was sworn in in New York City on April 30, 1789, about 1:04 pm LMT according to a chart published in the 1984 special issue of the NCGR Journal. The chart has 2 degrees Virgo rising and 27 Taurus at the Midheaven. I do not have LMT on my program, so I had to jigger the time to get that ascendant degree.
Comparing the two charts yields these contacts: Obama Sun-Mercury opposes the GW Uranus in Leo. Obama Moon conjuncts the GW North Node in Scorpio. Obama Venus trines the GW Moon in Cancer. Obama Jupiter squares GW Venus in Taurus. Obama Saturn opposes GW Saturn, and Obama Uranus conjuncts GW Saturn. Obama Neptune sextiles GW Mercury. Obama Pluto trines GW Venus in Taurus.
The Moon contacts express the public's hope wish or hope that Obama will move the country forward towards its destiny (North Node) again, and that he will uphold the underlying American values (Venus). I suspect that the Pluto to Venus contact presages some revamping (Pluto) of the the nation's banking or financial system, and that the Jupiter square to Venus merely reflects the serious economic situation we face. Sun-Mercury should denote the inspiration (Uranus) he gives in his speeches and just by his positive demeanor.
It is interesting that the current Saturn-Uranus opposition ties into the GW Saturn; again, this reflects the serious problems we face and possibly a real change in the structures (Saturn) of our government and/or of our society. Mercury-Neptune contacts generally mean fuzzy or confused thinking; this may merely indicate that he will not get into too many specifics in the inaugural address, but stick to expressing ideals (Neptune) in an effort to inspire and soothe (Neptune) the American people.
In addition, Obama's Vesta is conjunct the GW Venus at 2-3 degrees Taurus, and Obama's Ceres at 13 degrees Virgo is inconjunct the GW Mars in Aries. I think that these reinforce his intention to deal with the monetary or fiscal crisis in this country and the matter of winding down the war in Iraq.
One could go on and play around with progressions to the GW or to Obama's birth chart, or add a ring for Obama's natal planets. I have to keep this article to a reasonable length. But I give you the data and charts for the inaugurals so that the more advanced readership can play with them.
Best wishes to all Americans and hoping for better times ahead.
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