Thursday, July 28, 2011

Started Job on Void of Course Moon, Oh My!

By Milky Way Maid

In the course of discussing the Royal Wedding earlier this year (please see I mentioned that I once started a job on a void-of-course (hereinafter referred to as VOC moon) and that it worked out all right.

I finally managed to dig up the start time for that position and here are the pertinent details:

Start of Job, May 15, 2000, 2:30 pm CDT, Milwaukee, WI.
Curiously enough, the Moon was in Libra, not a sign where a VOC moon is favored for some events. Traditionally, the Moon functions OK if the VOC occurs in the signs of the Moon or Jupiter: Cancer, Taurus, Sagittarius, and Pisces.

One major factor in this chart, folks, is that the ascendant happens to be on my natal Jupiter, 21 degrees Virgo. I had forgotten that.

Moon, as I said, is in Libra at 26 degrees and in the second house. Pluto and Chiron are in the third house at 11 and 16 degrees, respectively, of Sagittarius; Pluto is on my natal Saturn. The fifth house is pretty crowded with the South Node (26 degrees Capricorn), Vesta (29 Capricorn), Neptune (6 Aquarius), Uranus (20 Aquarius), Part of Fortune (22 Aquarius) and Juno (22 Aquarius).

The ninth house is also supercharged with Venus at 18 Taurus (very close to my Sun), Jupiter at 19 Taurus (conjunct my Sun), Saturn at 21 Taurus, Sun at 25 Taurus, Mercury strong in Gemini (3 degrees), and Mars at 8 Gemini.

North Node is alone at 26 Cancer in the eleventh house, along with Pallas Athena at 14 Leo. Transpluto, for those who use those points, is at 24 Leo in the twelfth house.

Aspects to natal planets: Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn clustered on my natal Sun, as I mentioned above. Sun near my natal Venus. The Moon is inconjunct the Sun, and therefore also inconjunct my natal Venus.

Critical degrees: North Node at 26 degrees of Cancer is on a critical degree; I think this was an example of my being in the right place at the right time when applying for this job. I had just completed a couple classes in introductory computer and in medical terminology, intending to go on for a diploma in allied health science. However, I had to wait a terribly long time for a practicum to be scheduled, about three months, and there was just no way that I could see how to survive that long without an income. So I applied for a couple jobs and this one opened up.
The Node is at the midpoint of the Ascendant in Virgo, and the Sun-Saturn conjunction in Taurus. It also opposes Vesta, and is sesquiquadrate Pluto in the third house. Pluto in the third is I think reflective of our actual work handling 'paperwork' for an insurance company.

It was extremely helpful to have Mercury in Gemini for this job, which required one to be able to ramp up your production to keep up with paper submissions. I have found thru experience that three degrees of most signs is very positive for me, due to a key natal planet and ascendant at that degree.

Needless to say the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Taurus defined a new era for many people, and with several natal planets in Taurus, it really gave me a jump-start to a materially successful period like nothing I had ever had before. The conjunction squared Uranus, where virtually ALL the work was done on computer and the submissions had been imaged into the system.
The Sun and Moon are inconjunct. Hmmm, have to think about how that was reflected in the job. Well, there were difficulties dealing with other women in the department. Uranus is square the Sun, separating; it was continually stressful for me to deal with the job in general. I just wanted to hole up with my computer and forget the rest of it. The nodes are square the Moon; again, difficult women.

The Midheaven trines both the Moon and Uranus, all in air signs. Oh, this favored the handling of numbers and data and rules about handling different kinds of submissions. We had to calculate payments, line by line, very quickly.

Pluto opposes Mars. Hmmm again. Sounds like a lot of backstabbing and office politics, and there is always that no matter where you go or what kind of business you are in. Mars trines idealistic Neptune, tho, and I like to think that I helped change the attitudes of the girls from a close-mouthed, competitive environment to one where we shared tips freely.
I cannot say that this job was without rough spots. It was hard to work with the first supervisor that we had, who was rather, shall we say, a demanding and sharp-tongued woman. Our group was later transferred to the supervision of a younger woman when our shift was changed (start of new schedule Oct. 2, 2000, 7:30 am); in other words our group was merged with the regular day crew. There was difficulty getting used to the quality control team, who were not always professional about how they pointed out errors or demanded corrections. There were many days in the early going when I thought I would be let go along with others in our training group who did not make the final cuts.

To sum up, I stayed for six years and learned a great deal about the business, about getting used to modern phone networks, emails and other interoffice communications, and about dealing with meetings and updates in procedures. I was not happy being on the day crew, however, since I really did not care for the usual office “stuff” (food days, passing around memos and birthday cards, etc). You would think that with all those planets and asteroids in the fifth house that this would a party-type job, but I cannot think how that could possibly apply to this position.
Well, that's all I can think of right now to tell you about this supposedly disastrous job. It worked out just fine for me and I only left due to personal matters that were pretty much separate from the job or company.

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