Friday, July 19, 2019
A Quick Glance at DNC Debates for 2019 and a Few of the Candidates
Milky Way Maid
after the June DNC debates, I took a quick look at Beto O'Rourke's
birthchart and the Moon on the night of his appearance because it was
said that he did not look impressive at all. Some late-night comedian
said he looked like he had not studied for his exam. I thought he
just seemed totally uninspired and in a word, dull.
after looking at his placements, I saw that his natal Moon is in the
sign of its exaltation, Taurus. Hmmm, odd he seemed so ill at ease, I
thought. Then “Aha!” – he appeared on the first night of the
debate, June 26, when the Moon was in Aries. This conflicted with his
Sun, Mercury, Pluto and Uranus which are all in Libra!! Oh, what
might he have done if he had been scheduled for the following night
when the Moon was in Taurus, like his natal Moon!!! It would also
have harmonized with natal Mars in Virgo and North Node in Capricorn.
But I have no influence on how candidates are assigned different
nights for these debates – sniff!
Beto lands on the second night of the second round of debates (July
31), the transiting Moon in Leo will harmonize with his natal Venus
in Leo and all his Libra and Sag placements.
anyway, then I made myself a paper chart to refer to in future
debates. I turned the paper landscape style, and with some of the
candidates names on the left and then their birth dates, I filled in
little squares with the degree and sign of each of the planets and
the North Node. I only did this for a handful of the candidates and I
did not attempt to find out the time of birth, because it is still so
early in the presidential campaign.
candidates I selected were: Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Mayor Pete
Buttigieg, Beto O'Rourke, Kamala Harris, Mayor de Blasio, Michael
Bennet, Steve Bullock, Bernie Sanders, Julian Castro, and Corey
Booker. After the top four names from the national polls, I more or
less picked the rest at random and on a whim. Feel free to make a
reference sheet (Cheat Sheet) for yourself featuring the candidates
you are most interested in!
the record the first pair of debates were on June 26 and 27 in Miami;
the Moon was in Aries on the first night and in Taurus on the second
night. The second pair will be on July 30 and 31 in Houston; the Moon
again will change signs, visiting Cancer on the first night and Leo
on the second night. The third debates will be on Sept. 12-13 in
Detroit; the Moon will be in Pisces both nights.
is worth noting that Kamala Harris, who got a big boost from the
second night of the June debate, has natal Jupiter in Taurus, the
same sign as the transiting Moon. It does make me a bit nervous to
think that the fortunes of all these candidates might hinge on the
whims of the debate schedulers!
to the mix that July 31 is the date of a New Moon at 8 degrees Leo,
while Mercury goes direct at 24 degrees Cancer (I am rounding off)
that same night!! Another astrologer pointed out that 23 Cancer is
the natal placement of the USA Mercury where it rules trade and
media. Perhaps we will have some news regarding the effect of the
tariffs on American companies and jobs around this time.
transiting Eris will be at 24 Aries, where it makes a T-square with
transiting Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn and that Stationary Direct
Mercury in Cancer. Eris is discord, and may indicate more protests
and fighting over current events and government policies on any
number of possible issues. Also it's possible the stock market might
is likely that any of the candidates who have natal planets anywhere
from 20 to 26 degrees in Cardinal signs will feel the effects of this
T-square, and likely to do so no matter which night they appear. So,
taking a quickie scan through my homemade chart, I see some hits to
Joe Biden, Sen. Warren, Mayor Pete, Beto, Sen. Harris, Gov. Bullock,
Sen. Sanders, Julian Castro, and maybe just maybe Corey Booker whose
natal Saturn is at 29 Aries.
seems to me that Mayor Pete will be particularly hard hit in this
July debate. His natal Saturn is at 22 Libra, natal Pluto at 27
Libra, and his North Node at 22 Cancer. Without knowing what night he
will appear, I can venture no guess whether the result will be
positive or negative for public reaction.
think it is possible that Sen. Harris, Sen. Sanders and Gov. Bullock
will get involved in some er, “brisk discussion” as it is
politely called in political situations. Kamala's Sun is at 27 Libra
and her Moon somewhere around 20 Aries. Bernie's Moon is around 20
Aries, his Venus at 22 Libra, and his Mars at 23 Aries. Gov.
Bullock's Sun is at 21 Aries AND his Mars at 25 Aries. So I frankly
expect one of those “food fight” moments they tried so hard to
avoid on the first go-round.
NOTE: Some of the candidates were born on a day when the Moon changed
signs, so I am not sure yet which sign to put their natal Moons in.
Those candidates are (from my list anyway): Joe Biden, Mayor Pete,
Mayor de Blasio, Sen. Bennet, and Julian Castro. I will try to find
out a more exact time of birth in the coming weeks, hopefully before
the September debates.
I hope you enjoyed this article and will tune in to the debates.
Please promise me that you will vote in 2020!!