Milky Way Maid
I have often made
charts of the start of various jobs, trying to glean some clues as to
how things might work out, or in the case of temp jobs, how long the
job might last.
Attached at charts
for two different jobs from years past, dug out of the deep dark
recesses of the archive. You may print out both charts, blowing them
up on Paint or whatever you wish to use.
First up, a job
that started in June 1996 at 7 am. If I remember correctly, this was
a job that lasted until about February or March of 1999, when I left
due to what I felt was a repetitive motion injury.
Start of 1996 job. Chart courtesy of the old Astro Communications. |
The work involved
detailed and very picky assembly of electrical components – I do
not want to get into too much detail about it now. But it was rather
interesting for a while, anyway, and the boss was a multi-talented
person who also designed magic tricks. Wild, hunh?
Saturn is high in
the chart, possibly reflecting the fact that it was low-paid, though
I was also able to work overtime (usually on a voluntary basis) to
make a little more money. Venus is inconjunct Jupiter, which might
reflect the fact that working conditions were not very good. There
was no air conditioning in the summer heat, and I suffered because of
that. Saturn might reflect the quality-control guy who was the
immediate supervisor; Saturn is trine Pluto which might reflect that
fact that he was solidly backed by the plant manager and I suppose
the owner. This was true even though he was ill-informed on
manufacturing safety issues or worker safety. I could throw more dirt
on him but let's move on.
The second chart
was felt by many to be a “good job” – quote unquote. Maybe they
thought it had more job security than a lot of companies offered, but
that was not really true – and it is not true anywhere, anymore,
This job started
training me in January of 2000, but the actual hiring date came after
all the training was completed and I was supposedly up to speed on
everything – that was in May of 2000.
Start of "good job" in 2000. Chart courtesy of the old Astro Communications. |
I have already
mentioned to several readers that I once started a job on a
void-of-course moon – this is the job! Well, now that I look at it
again, actually the True Node was a scant 13 minutes later. Does that
count? The North Node, I now note, was at 26 degrees Cancer, a
critical degree and one that made a positive aspect to my natal
I hesitate to
describe the nature of the business because it engenders such hatred
on the part of some readers. But it was a health insurance company, a
quite large one, which at the time was part of a global company but
was spun off as an independent American company again while I was
I worked there for
six years, and it was very stressful at times. There was always a
push to do more in less time – but isn't that true everywhere? Yes,
it is. We had a lot of IT tweaks (Informational Technology); our
geeks made the system more user-friendly and automated a lot of stuff
so all we had to do was use a shortcut key to instruct the system to
direct the claim to another department, for example.
It was a good
experience to have with a large, modern office, and with computer
software, and with working downtown in a medium-sized city. I only
left for personal reasons which had to do with other, personal stuff
going on in that town, necessitating a move to another state.
As a Sun Taurus,
the job and the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Taurus came about the
same time and gave me an economic boost.
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