Thursday, March 19, 2009

How Many Leos Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb?

by Milky Way Maid
He'll jump up to change it right away, but if you don't have the right size/type bulb, he'll forget all about it. If you wait a half hour for anything, he'll forget about it and go on to the next chore.
Taurus: Wait, I'm not ready to change the bulb. I have to move the stack of ironing out of the way and them I'll go down to the basement and dig out a bulb. Serves me right for buying whatever's on sale; they never last. OK, now I've got it, now where is that Aries?
Gemini: Too busy answering emails and phone messages to actually do it. Is surveying everyone he knows about which brands are best.
Cancer: Loves every task involved in keeping up her beloved home, sweet home. Is only too glad to give her precious home a new light bulb.
Leo: Why don't we rip out the old fixture and put in makeup lights around the bathroom mirror? How can I possibly look my best if I have to use this 50s-era bathroom to prepare for my entrance??
Virgo: Yes, Virgo has an assortment of new bulbs in organized trays by size and wattage in the basement. Takes 30 seconds to pull out a new one and efficiently replace the old one.
Libra: Honey, can we put in pink lights? They're so much more flattering. And can I hold the ladder for you, honey? You know I love it when we work on a projects together. What do you think, dear?
Scorpio: Can find his way around in the dark very well. Forget the light bulb. Just take my hand, honey, and trust me.
Sagittarius: Ooh, it'll be like roughing it. Let's camp out in the back yard, I can put up a tent in no time. How about it?
Capricorn: Don't get excited, it's very simple and routine. Call Virgo to efficiently replace the bulb and bill me.
Aquarius: Better check the continuity on that lamp, it could be the wiring. Better yet, maybe we should rewire the whole house; this is a safety issue!
Pisces: Why does this house hate me? Last month it was the plumbing leak. Next month it'll probably be the roof flying off. Take me now, Lord.

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