Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Your Milky Way Horoscope Dec. 1-7, 2013

By Milky Way Maid

Mercury at 27 degrees Scorpio sextiles Mars in Virgo at 11:35 am Tuesday. One can use one's verbal skills (Mercury) to convince (Mars) others of the correctness of your opinion. Mental and physical energy can be high, easily outpacing that of co-workers, so you might be better off working alone at your own quick tempo. Good for sports that require eye-hand coordination, or for crafts and skilled labor. Note that this Mars is very, very nit-picky and will split hairs to make a point, since it is in Virgo. 
Mercury enters Sag at 9:42 pm Wednesday. Bear in mind that Mercury is in the sign of its detriment in Sag, since it rules the opposite sign Gemini. That means that while the mind may be nimble here, the conclusions it draws may be quite careless of the facts. The mind is in other words, too prone to hasty conclusions. Theories may have no or too few facts to back them up. Nevertheless Sag is very inclined to self-righteous pomposity in presenting his conclusions as obvious fact. Powers of concentration can be weak, and memory can be unreliable. However, this Mercury can be very blessed with accurate hunches. Tends to be unfailingly honest, often blurting out what he thinks without couching his words in gentle consideration of others' feelings. Famous people with Mercury in Sag include: opera singer Joan Sutherland, author Rudyard Kipling, Joan of Arc, Frank Sinatra, J Paul Getty, author J D Salinger, Charles de Gaulle, John Osborne, and playwright Eugene Ionesco. 
Mercury at 2 degrees Sag squares Neptune in Pisces at 4:31 pm Friday. Call this the perfect wrong-way Mercury, who sets out for his destination and winds up 100 miles away at a gas station, calling the auto service for directions. One can be extra sensitive to other people's emotions, even empathetic or psychic. Might even feel kind of spacey, so it might be best to let someone else drive. Will need to make an extra effort to make sure messages are clearly understood. Can be extra sensitive to music or art, too, so it might be a good day to visit a gallery or museum. 
Mars enters Libra at 3:41 pm Saturday. This ingress is of another planet into the sign of its detriment – recall that Mars rules the opposite sign Aries. This Mars can be almost militant about maintaining peace at any price, sometimes squelching dissent to maintain the appearance of harmony. In a mature Libra, this Mars is good at initiating contact to air differences. Only then can a peace based on truth be established. Can be outraged at injustice – and frequently outraged! A born protester. Can make a good judge if disciplined and self-controlled. Mars in Libra is good at weighing the merits of both sides of an argument or legal case, and drawing a fair judgment. This Mars can be either very good or very bad!
Famous people with Mars in Libra include: rocker and peace protester John Lennon, actor Richard Burton, Johnny Carson, golfer Arnold Palmer, Paul Tillich, religious rebel Martin Luther, authors Edgar Allen Poe and Percy Shelley, playwright George Bernard Shaw, and Francoise Sagan. 
In late November, two asteroids changed signs. Vesta entered Libra and Pallas entered Virgo. By now their effects should make themselves felt. See notes in each sign.

Please look to the right-hand column on Blogger if you would like these articles translated into Spanish, French, German, Japanese or any other language. Link: http://milky-way-astrology.blogspot.com/

LATE DEGREESsee my popular article on late degrees of all the signs. Link: http://milky-way-astrology.blogspot.com/2008/08/planets-in-late-degrees-what-do-they.html

POPE FRANCISI finally posted a little article on the new Pope Francis and also a kind of book review on a book that accidentally talks about ancient astronomy. The article on Pope Francis is here: http://milkywayastrology.wordpress.com/2013/06/02/a-look-at-the-new-pope-franciss-astro-charts/ And the article on the best book that both is and is not about ancient astronomy is here: http://milkywayastrology.wordpress.com/2013/06/02/the-best-book-about-ancient-astronomy-that-isnt-about-astrology-per-se/

COOL WEBSITES In no particular order of importance: Check out Astrology.com -- free lessons online. Watch astronomic animations at http://shadowandsubstance.com/. Go to http://www.solarsystemscope.com/ for a view of our solar system and nearby stars. This guy called the correct winner of the 2012 election, and he puts out a monthly column: http://www.howardbeckmanvedicastrologer.com/wordpress/
This guy writes a cool weekly astrology newsletter and sells astro books: Dave at www.astroamerica.com.

Readers can follow not only their Sun sign horoscope but also their Ascendant for further clues to how your week will develop. NOTE: some aspects are exact on a weekend but may find opportunity for expression on the Friday or Monday nearest the exact aspect. Times given are in Eastern Standard or Eastern Daylight Savings Time depending on the season.

ARIES - March 20-April 19 – Monday has a New Moon in compatible Sag; you may get a lot of new insights over the next month with the aid of a course or seminar. Pallas transits your solar sixth house; you may work in or study a service job like teaching, nursing, dietetics, etc. Vesta is in your solar seventh house; don't beat yourself up if a relationship has problems. The Moon is void on Saturday so stick to routine matters.

TAURUS - April 20-May 20 – On Tuesday you may need your mate to talk to a rebellious child. Pallas transits your solar fifth house; you enjoy mentally-challenging games like chess or bridge. Vesta is in your solar sixth house; you may enjoy working with handicapped children, even on a volunteer basis. The Moon is void on Saturday so stick to routine matters.

GEMINI - May 21-June 20 - Monday has a New Moon in compatible seventh-house Sag; a friend who has a foreign accent lifts your mood. Pallas transits your solar fourth house; you may work out of your home for a time, at least for a sideline. Vesta is in your solar fifth house; give yourself an outlet for your emotions in creative hobbies. The Moon is void on Saturday so stick to routine matters.

CANCER - June 21-July 22 – Tuesday favors skilled work with your hands at work or on craftwork, so indulge yourself by spending some hours on your hobbies. You may even make some holiday gifts for loved ones. Pallas transits your solar third house; you expand your social network, and talk about your job more. Vesta is in your solar fourth house; you may be called upon to take care of sick relatives for a time. The Moon is void on Saturday so stick to routine matters.

LEO - July 23-Aug. 22 – Monday has a New Moon in compatible Sag; you can brainstorm some great ideas so keep a notepad handy at all times. Pallas transits your solar second house; you work harder at saving, and your ethics are high. Vesta is in your solar third house; this favors scholarship, plus your communications are very carefully worded to avoid misunderstanding.

VIRGO - Aug. 23-Sept. 22 – Pallas Athena, having entered your sign in late November, starts to make itself felt. You may do volunteer work, or enter a service industry, distinguishing yourself with boundless cheerfulness. Pallas is also approaching a square to Chiron in Pisces, so you might embark on a job in the healthcare field if it contacts a work or career sector, or favorable natal planets. Vesta is in your solar second house; this will help you be strict with yourself when trying to keep to a budget.

LIBRA - Sept. 23-Oct. 22 – Monday has a New Moon in compatible Sag; expand your list of contacts and ask relatives to introduce you to their friends. Pallas is transiting your solar twelfth house; your objectivity becomes useful in handling difficult decisions. Vesta is in your sign; this is an ambitious placement, and you will sacrifice much in order to achieve them. The Moon is void on Saturday so stick to routine matters.

SCORPIO - Oct. 23-Nov. 21 – The Moon is in Scorpio from Sunday till very early Monday. Best to wake about 8 am Sunday, when Jove lends an optimistic attitude. Lunch with a dear relative or neighbor, or shopping for gifts, is favored Sunday. Show a friend how to do your craft technique Sunday night. On Tuesday you may enjoy matching wits with a friend. Pallas transits your solar eleventh house; you are not volunteering this holiday season, but may instead help out a friend in need. Vesta is in your solar twelfth house; you may not understand why you do what you do, but neither does anyone else.

SAGITTARIUS - Nov. 22-Dec. 21 – The Moon is in Sag from 1:31 am Monday till early Wednesday. The Monday morn commute may be marred by brain-fog. Take a joke break Monday afternoon. Be sure to measure twice, cut once on Tuesday night. You can accomplish many items on your to-do list Friday. The Moon is void on Saturday so stick to routine matters. Vesta is in your solar eleventh house; you spend many hours for a volunteer or non-profit organization.

CAPRICORN - Dec. 22-Jan. 19 – Pallas transiting your ninth house gives you extra common sense. Tuesday favors debate and sharp wit. The Moon is in Capricorn from 1:49 am Wednesday till Friday morning. You might try a new coffee flavor Wednesday morn. Work with an affirmation Wednesday night. Share breakfast with a mentor or sage friend Thursday morn. You may go over the top emotionally on Thursday morning. Vesta is in your solar tenth house; you put in long hours during this transit on career demands.

AQUARIUS - Jan. 20-Feb. 17 – The Moon is in Aquarius from 1:53 am Friday till early next Sunday. You treat a friend to breakfast Friday. A relative pays a surprise visit or makes a surprise call Friday afternoon. The Moon is void in your sign on Saturday, so stick to routine matters. Pallas transits your solar eighth house; you may work behind the scenes for a cause. Vesta is in your solar ninth house; you may travel but it may be for work, so you don't get the fun of unstructured time and exploration.

PISCES - Feb. 18-March 19 – Sunday morning favors getting an early start on online gift shopping. Make a point of sticking to diet resolutions on Thursday when you are sorely tempted. Pallas transits your solar seventh house; you may get involved with someone in detective work. Count your blessings on Saturday. Vesta is in your solar eighth house; you may be frustrated if trying to claim insurance or other benefits through a spouse. The Moon is void on Saturday so stick to routine matters.

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